Developed by manikos

European Union in Myanmar, Hpa an - Planet project

Photo assignment with European Union in Myanmar

The assignment responds to the need to develop communication materials to illustrate the impact of EU-funded projects in Myanmar, particularly a photo library. This tool will be used for a wide range of creative, technical and documentary purposes (including website, social media, newsletters, leaflets, posters, national and international media, etc.). The photos reflect not only the local contexts, living standards and natural landscapes of the areas visited, but also the purpose and meaning of the different EU interventions.

Over the last few years, Myanmar has embarked in a historic and multi-faceted transition process. This process included a number of political and economic reforms aimed at fostering an inclusive democratic system, resolve the long-standing ethnic conflicts and creating an increasingly diversified and internationally integrated economy.

In line with the priorities identified by the Government of the Union of Myanmar (GoUM), the EU-funded Institutional Strengthening and Policy Dialogue Support project aims to strengthen public institutions and non-state actors and develop capacities for policymaking, planning and implementation to respond to citizens’ needs and contribute to general socio-economic development.

The overall objective of the Planet project is to contribute to the alleviation of poverty and the reduction of economic vulnerabilities in the conflict-affected area of Kayin State. The main tools for achieving this first objective are financial services delivered with technical capacity building on farm and non-farm income-generating activities. The savings-led approach to expanding access to financial services that will be adopted by the Action is its primary sustainability mechanism and will enable it to achieve its second overall objective, which is to promote financial inclusion among low-income rural households in the target area.



Chan Thar Village concrete business

U Theik Htun is the owner of the concrete business in Chan Thar Village. He used to work for several years in Thailand as a worker in building constructions. Two years ago, Kaung Pye Than the CDA of Planet Finance organization told him about the opportunities and the financial support that the program offers and he decided to come back in his village and set up this own business.

“Most if the people in Chan Thar Village buy the concrete from other villages. Now me and my wife supply the villagers with the concrete that they need. We make a good profit to support our family and to earn our living.”

U Theik Htun, is also the elected leader of Chan Thar Village.


Kwan Tar Kone Village fish raising business

U Mg Myint, is the owner of the land in Kwan Tar Kone Village. With the support of his daughter, he took a loan from Cooperative two years ago when they started to run the fish raising business.

“We supply restaurants and households not only from our village but in other villages in Hpa An. Before that, we used to cultivate the field but during the last years this became difficult due to the effects of climate change.”

Planet Finance staff enjoyed the hospitality of U Mg Myint and his offerings; coconuts, sugar cane and star fruits,  all fresh from his land.

“I am too old to climb on the coconut tree but my friends will help in that.” He said and he asked from his daughter to ask for their help.


Phara Nente To village Chicken layer raisins

U Thein Zan  with his wife are the owners of the chicken farm in Phara Nente To village. He borrowed 1.000.000 mmk to set up the business two years ago. After one year he could clear off the loan and made a significant profit that helped him to support his family.

“I have three daughters. All of them work in Thailand. Now, since I run my business in our village and since it is profitable, my oldest daughter decided to come back and work with me in order to start a second chicken egg laying business. This will be funded by Planet Finance Organization with a second loan. I am happy to have at least one of my daughter back in home!”

Maro Verli letters