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Helping the Aged (article)

A retirement home in an outer Yangon suburb is providing free accommodation for a privileged community of elderly citizens in need of care. By JARED DOWNING | FRONTIER Photos MARO VERLI

Daw Thway is three years from celebrating her centenary. When the British left Myanmar in 1948, she was married and working as a midwife. When her husband died she spent her retirement at a monastery, helping with the chores. Eventually, the monks had to take care of her.

Now, Daw Thway is the oldest resident at Yangon’s Twilight Villa free retirement home. From her bed, next to a wall covered in photos of famous pagodas and Buddha images, she likes to meditate, watch prayer shows on television, and chat with her friends. They are like her, with little money and no family, but a spirit that outpaces their mortal coil.

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